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2018 International Human Rights Day

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Each year on this day people all over the world celebrate the basic rights and freedoms that are

universally agreed to belong to every person in the world from birth to death regardless of where they

are from, what they believe or how they choose to live their life.

December 10 is also a day to draw attention to, and stand against, the many forms of abuse and

denial of those rights. Throughout the world, women and girls continue to be denied their right to own

property, to live free from violence, to an education, to not be forced into marriage and to be treated

equality to men and boys.

Through our free information, education and legal aid programs, Inherit Your Rights works to

empower women and girls in northern Tanzania to stand up for their individual and collective rights to

equality, justice and safety from all forms of harm.

Please support our campaign to train 50 additional women as community paralegals in 2019 by

making a small donation before 31 December - simply go to: Global Giving Project:

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